RTE describes radiation problems in planetary atmospheres and computes radiative fluxes.


These pages provide a programmer's view of the Fortran user interface to RTE.

Procedures in the two solvers (rte_lw, rte_sw) require problems specified as sets of optical properties along with boundary conditions and/or internal sources of radiation. The reduction of spectrally- and spatially-detailed calculations that specifies the output is defined in a flux output type

The optical properties module provides a way to specify the spectrally-dependent optical properties of the atmosphere consistent with calculations neglecting scattering, using two-stream scattering, or using n-stream scattering.

  • init() routines to specify e.g. the spectral discretization
  • load() routines to provide data (e.g. lookup tables) needed to do a calculation
  • alloc() routines to allocate memory once the problem size is known
  • finalize() routines to reset variables to an un-initialized state
  • Some classes have get_ncol() and get_nlay() methods to report the problem size
  • Some classes have get_subset() methods to extract values along the column dimension

The listings below may not be exhaustive. To see the full listings use the links at the top of the page. There is a search bar in the top right.

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Developer Info

The RTE+RRTTMGP consortium