rte_sw Interface

public interface rte_sw


Module Procedures

private function rte_sw_mu0_bycol(atmos, mu0, inc_flux, sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif, fluxes, inc_flux_dif) result(error_msg)


class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in) :: atmos

Optical properties provided as arrays

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:):: mu0

cosine of solar zenith angle (ncol) - will be assumed constant with height

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: inc_flux

incident flux at top of domain [W/m2] (ncol, ngpt)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: sfc_alb_dir

surface albedo for direct and

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: sfc_alb_dif

diffuse radiation (nband, ncol)

class(ty_fluxes), intent(inout) :: fluxes

Class describing output calculations

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional dimension(:,:), target:: inc_flux_dif

incident diffuse flux at top of domain [W/m2] (ncol, ngpt)

Return Value character(len=128)

If empty, calculation was successful

private function rte_sw_mu0_full(atmos, mu0, inc_flux, sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif, fluxes, inc_flux_dif) result(error_msg)


class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in) :: atmos

Optical properties provided as arrays

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: mu0

cosine of solar zenith angle (ncol, nlay)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: inc_flux

incident flux at top of domain [W/m2] (ncol, ngpt)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: sfc_alb_dir

surface albedo for direct and

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: sfc_alb_dif

diffuse radiation (nband, ncol)

class(ty_fluxes), intent(inout) :: fluxes

Class describing output calculations

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional dimension(:,:), target:: inc_flux_dif

incident diffuse flux at top of domain [W/m2] (ncol, ngpt)

Return Value character(len=128)

If empty, calculation was successful