! This code is part of Radiative Transfer for Energetics (RTE) ! ! Contacts: Robert Pincus and Eli Mlawer ! email: rrtmgp@aer.com ! ! Copyright 2015- Atmospheric and Environmental Research, ! Regents of the University of Colorado, ! Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York ! All right reserved. ! ! Use and duplication is permitted under the terms of the ! BSD 3-clause license, see http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> ## Encapsulate optical properties defined on a spectral grid of N bands. !> !> The bands are described by their limiting wavenumbers. They need not be contiguous or complete. !> A band may contain more than one spectral sub-point (g-point) in which case a mapping must be supplied. !> A name may be provided and will be prepended to error messages. !> The base class (ty_optical_props) encapsulates only this spectral discretization and must be initialized !> with the spectral information before use. !> !> Optical properties may be represented as arrays with dimensions ncol, nlay, ngpt !> (abstract class ty_optical_props_arry). !> The type holds arrays depending on how much information is needed !> There are three possibilites !> !> - ty_optical_props_1scl holds absorption optical depth tau, used in calculations accounting for extinction and emission !> - ty_optical_props_2str holds extincion optical depth tau, single-scattering albedo ssa, and !> asymmetry parameter g. These fields are what's needed for two-stream calculations. !> - ty_optical_props_nstr holds extincion optical depth tau, single-scattering albedo ssa, and !> phase function moments p with leading dimension nmom. These fields are what's needed for multi-stream calculations. !> !> These classes must be allocated before use. Initialization and allocation can be combined. !> The classes have a validate() function that checks all arrays for valid values (e.g. tau > 0.) !> The vertical orientation can be specified via this%set_top_at_1() or obtained via this%top_at_1(). !> !> Optical properties can be delta-scaled (though this is currently implemented only for two-stream arrays) !> !> Optical properties can increment or "add themselves to" a set of properties represented with arrays !> as long as both sets have the same underlying band structure. Properties defined by band !> may be added to properties defined by g-point; the same value is assumed for all g-points with each band. !> !> Subsets of optical properties held as arrays may be extracted along the column dimension. !> ! Making the documentation below visible in ford, by replace ! with !>, messes up Markdown parsing above !@note !example of a note with links to other modules and variables ! ! 1. [[mo_rte_config(module):check_extents(variable)]] in module [[mo_rte_config]] !> !@endnote !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module mo_optical_props use mo_rte_kind, only: wp, wl use mo_rte_config, only: check_extents, check_values use mo_rte_util_array_validation, & only: any_vals_less_than, any_vals_outside, extents_are use mo_optical_props_kernels, only: & increment_1scalar_by_1scalar, increment_1scalar_by_2stream, increment_1scalar_by_nstream, & increment_2stream_by_1scalar, increment_2stream_by_2stream, increment_2stream_by_nstream, & increment_nstream_by_1scalar, increment_nstream_by_2stream, increment_nstream_by_nstream, & inc_1scalar_by_1scalar_bybnd, inc_1scalar_by_2stream_bybnd, inc_1scalar_by_nstream_bybnd, & inc_2stream_by_1scalar_bybnd, inc_2stream_by_2stream_bybnd, inc_2stream_by_nstream_bybnd, & inc_nstream_by_1scalar_bybnd, inc_nstream_by_2stream_bybnd, inc_nstream_by_nstream_bybnd, & delta_scale_2str_kernel, & extract_subset implicit none private integer, parameter, public :: name_len = 32 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> ### Base class for optical properties !> Describes the spectral discretization including the wavenumber limits !> of each band (spectral region) and the mapping between g-points and bands ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type, public :: ty_optical_props integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: band2gpt ! (begin g-point, end g-point) = band2gpt(2,band) integer, dimension(:), allocatable, private :: gpt2band ! band = gpt2band(g-point) real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: band_lims_wvn ! (upper and lower wavenumber by band) = band_lims_wvn(2,band) character(len=name_len), private :: name = "" contains generic, public :: init => init_base, init_base_from_copy procedure, private :: init_base procedure, private :: init_base_from_copy procedure, public :: is_initialized => is_initialized_base procedure, private :: is_initialized_base procedure, public :: finalize => finalize_base procedure, private :: finalize_base procedure, public :: get_nband procedure, public :: get_ngpt procedure, public :: get_gpoint_bands procedure, public :: convert_band2gpt procedure, public :: convert_gpt2band procedure, public :: get_band_lims_gpoint procedure, public :: get_band_lims_wavenumber procedure, public :: get_band_lims_wavelength procedure, public :: bands_are_equal procedure, public :: gpoints_are_equal procedure, public :: expand procedure, public :: set_name procedure, public :: get_name end type ty_optical_props !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !>### Optical properties as arrays, normally dimensioned ncol, nlay, ngpt/nbnd !> The abstract base class for arrays defines what procedures will be available ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type, extends(ty_optical_props), abstract, public :: ty_optical_props_arry real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: tau !! optical depth (ncol, nlay, ngpt) logical(wl), private :: top_at_1 ! No default - maybe uninitialized values will get caught? contains procedure, public :: get_ncol procedure, public :: get_nlay !> !> Increment another set of values !> procedure, public :: increment !> !> !> procedure, public :: top_is_at_1 procedure, public :: set_top_at_1 !> !> Deferred procedures -- each must be implemented in each child class with !> arguments following the abstract interface (defined below) !> procedure(validate_abstract), deferred, public :: validate procedure(delta_scale_abstract), deferred, public :: delta_scale procedure(subset_range_abstract), deferred, public :: get_subset end type ty_optical_props_arry ! ! Interfaces for the methods to be implemented ! abstract interface !> !> Validation function looks only at internal data !> function validate_abstract(this) result(err_message) import ty_optical_props_arry class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in) :: this character(len=128) :: err_message end function validate_abstract !> !> Delta-scaling !> function delta_scale_abstract(this, for) result(err_message) import ty_optical_props_arry import wp class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: this real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), optional, & intent(in ) :: for !> Forward scattering fraction; g**2 if not provided character(len=128) :: err_message end function delta_scale_abstract !> !> Subsetting -- currently there are only routines with start col and count !> function subset_range_abstract(full, start, n, subset) result(err_message) import ty_optical_props_arry class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: full integer, intent(in ) :: start, n class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: subset character(128) :: err_message end function subset_range_abstract end interface !>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> ty_optical_props_arry represents optical properties as arrays with dimensions !> column, height, spectral point !> - Class 1-scalar only (extinction) optical depth !> - Class two-stream adds arrays for single scattering albedo ssa and !> asymmetry parameter needed in two-stream methods !> - Class n-stream adds arrays for single scattering albedo ssa and !> phase function moments (index 1 = g) for use with discrete ordinate methods !> !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type, public, extends(ty_optical_props_arry) :: ty_optical_props_1scl contains procedure, public :: validate => validate_1scalar procedure, public :: get_subset => subset_1scl_range procedure, public :: delta_scale => delta_scale_1scl procedure, public :: finalize_1scl procedure, private :: alloc_only_1scl procedure, private :: init_and_alloc_1scl procedure, private :: copy_and_alloc_1scl generic, public :: alloc_1scl => alloc_only_1scl, init_and_alloc_1scl, copy_and_alloc_1scl end type ty_optical_props_1scl ! --- 2 stream ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, public, extends(ty_optical_props_arry) :: ty_optical_props_2str real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ssa !! single-scattering albedo (ncol, nlay, ngpt) real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: g !! asymmetry parameter (ncol, nlay, ngpt) contains procedure, public :: validate => validate_2stream procedure, public :: get_subset => subset_2str_range procedure, public :: delta_scale => delta_scale_2str procedure, public :: finalize_2str procedure, private :: alloc_only_2str procedure, private :: init_and_alloc_2str procedure, private :: copy_and_alloc_2str generic, public :: alloc_2str => alloc_only_2str, init_and_alloc_2str, copy_and_alloc_2str end type ty_optical_props_2str ! --- n stream ------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, public, extends(ty_optical_props_arry) :: ty_optical_props_nstr real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ssa !! single-scattering albedo (ncol, nlay, ngpt) real(wp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: p !! phase-function moments (nmom, ncol, nlay, ngpt) contains procedure, public :: validate => validate_nstream procedure, public :: get_subset => subset_nstr_range procedure, public :: delta_scale => delta_scale_nstr procedure, public :: get_nmom procedure, public :: finalize_nstr procedure, private :: alloc_only_nstr procedure, private :: init_and_alloc_nstr procedure, private :: copy_and_alloc_nstr generic, public :: alloc_nstr => alloc_only_nstr, init_and_alloc_nstr, copy_and_alloc_nstr end type ty_optical_props_nstr ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Routines for the base class: initialization, validity checking, finalization ! !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Base class: Initialization !> Values are assumed to be defined in bands a mapping between bands and g-points is provided !> !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function init_base(this, band_lims_wvn, band_lims_gpt, name) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props), intent(inout) :: this real(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in ) :: band_lims_wvn integer, dimension(:,:), & optional, intent(in ) :: band_lims_gpt character(len=*), optional, intent(in ) :: name character(len = 128) :: err_message integer :: iband integer, dimension(2, size(band_lims_wvn, 2)) :: band_lims_gpt_lcl ! ------------------------- ! ! Error checking -- are the arrays the size we expect, contain positive values? ! err_message = "" if(size(band_lims_wvn,1) /= 2) & err_message = "optical_props%init(): band_lims_wvn 1st dim should be 2" if (check_values) then if(any_vals_less_than(band_lims_wvn, 0._wp) ) & err_message = "optical_props%init(): band_lims_wvn has values < 0., respectively" end if if(err_message /="") return if(present(band_lims_gpt)) then if (check_extents) then if(.not. extents_are(band_lims_gpt, 2, size(band_lims_wvn,2))) & err_message = "optical_props%init(): band_lims_gpt size inconsistent with band_lims_wvn" end if if (check_values) then if(any(band_lims_gpt < 1) ) & err_message = "optical_props%init(): band_lims_gpt has values < 1" end if if(err_message /= "") return band_lims_gpt_lcl(:,:) = band_lims_gpt(:,:) else ! ! Assume that values are defined by band, one g-point per band ! do iband = 1, size(band_lims_wvn, 2) band_lims_gpt_lcl(1:2,iband) = iband end do end if ! ! Assignment ! if(allocated(this%band2gpt )) deallocate(this%band2gpt) if(allocated(this%band_lims_wvn)) deallocate(this%band_lims_wvn) allocate(this%band2gpt (2,size(band_lims_wvn,2)), & this%band_lims_wvn(2,size(band_lims_wvn,2))) this%band2gpt = band_lims_gpt_lcl this%band_lims_wvn = band_lims_wvn if(present(name)) this%name = trim(name) ! ! Make a map between g-points and bands ! Efficient only when g-point indexes start at 1 and are contiguous. ! if(allocated(this%gpt2band)) deallocate(this%gpt2band) allocate(this%gpt2band(maxval(band_lims_gpt_lcl))) do iband=1,size(band_lims_gpt_lcl,dim=2) this%gpt2band(band_lims_gpt_lcl(1,iband):band_lims_gpt_lcl(2,iband)) = iband end do end function init_base !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function init_base_from_copy(this, spectral_desc) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props), intent(inout) :: this class(ty_optical_props), intent(in ) :: spectral_desc character(len = 128) :: err_message if(.not. spectral_desc%is_initialized()) then err_message = "optical_props%init(): can't initialize based on un-initialized input" return else err_message = this%init(spectral_desc%get_band_lims_wavenumber(), & spectral_desc%get_band_lims_gpoint()) end if end function init_base_from_copy !>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Base class: return true if initialized, false otherwise !> !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pure function is_initialized_base(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this logical :: is_initialized_base is_initialized_base = allocated(this%band2gpt) end function is_initialized_base !>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Base class: finalize (deallocate memory) !> !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine finalize_base(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(inout) :: this if(allocated(this%band2gpt)) deallocate(this%band2gpt) if(allocated(this%gpt2band)) deallocate(this%gpt2band) if(allocated(this%band_lims_wvn)) & deallocate(this%band_lims_wvn) this%name = "" end subroutine finalize_base ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Routines for array classes: initialization, allocation, and finalization ! Initialization and allocation can be combined by supplying either ! !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> !> Straight allocation routines !> !> --- 1 scalar ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function alloc_only_1scl(this, ncol, nlay) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: this integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = "" if(.not. this%is_initialized()) then err_message = "optical_props%alloc: spectral discretization hasn't been provided" return end if if(any([ncol, nlay] <= 0)) then err_message = "optical_props%alloc: must provide positive extents for ncol, nlay" else if(allocated(this%tau)) deallocate(this%tau) allocate(this%tau(ncol,nlay,this%get_ngpt())) end if end function alloc_only_1scl !> --- 2 stream ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function alloc_only_2str(this, ncol, nlay) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_2str) :: this integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = "" if(.not. this%is_initialized()) & err_message = "optical_props%alloc: spectral discretization hasn't been provided" if(any([ncol, nlay] <= 0)) & err_message = "optical_props%alloc: must provide positive extents for ncol, nlay" if(err_message /= "") return if(allocated(this%tau)) deallocate(this%tau) allocate(this%tau(ncol,nlay,this%get_ngpt())) if(allocated(this%ssa)) deallocate(this%ssa) if(allocated(this%g )) deallocate(this%g ) allocate(this%ssa(ncol,nlay,this%get_ngpt()), this%g(ncol,nlay,this%get_ngpt())) end function alloc_only_2str !> --- n stream ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function alloc_only_nstr(this, nmom, ncol, nlay) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_nstr) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nmom ! number of moments integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = "" if(.not. this%is_initialized()) & err_message = "optical_props%alloc: spectral discretization hasn't been provided" if(any([ncol, nlay] <= 0)) & err_message = "optical_props%alloc: must provide positive extents for ncol, nlay" if(err_message /= "") return if(allocated(this%tau)) deallocate(this%tau) allocate(this%tau(ncol,nlay,this%get_ngpt())) if(allocated(this%ssa)) deallocate(this%ssa) if(allocated(this%p )) deallocate(this%p ) allocate(this%ssa(ncol,nlay,this%get_ngpt()), this%p(nmom,ncol,nlay,this%get_ngpt())) end function alloc_only_nstr ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Combined allocation/initialization routines ! !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> !> Initialization by specifying band limits and possibly g-point/band mapping !> !> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function init_and_alloc_1scl(this, ncol, nlay, band_lims_wvn, band_lims_gpt, name) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: this integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay real(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: band_lims_wvn integer, dimension(:,:), & optional, intent(in) :: band_lims_gpt character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: name character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = this%ty_optical_props%init(band_lims_wvn, & band_lims_gpt, name) if(err_message /= "") return err_message = this%alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay) end function init_and_alloc_1scl ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function init_and_alloc_2str(this, ncol, nlay, band_lims_wvn, band_lims_gpt, name) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_2str) :: this integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay real(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: band_lims_wvn integer, dimension(:,:), & optional, intent(in) :: band_lims_gpt character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: name character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = this%ty_optical_props%init(band_lims_wvn, & band_lims_gpt, name) if(err_message /= "") return err_message = this%alloc_2str(ncol, nlay) end function init_and_alloc_2str ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function init_and_alloc_nstr(this, nmom, ncol, nlay, band_lims_wvn, band_lims_gpt, name) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_nstr) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nmom, ncol, nlay real(wp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: band_lims_wvn integer, dimension(:,:), & optional, intent(in) :: band_lims_gpt character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: name character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = this%ty_optical_props%init(band_lims_wvn, & band_lims_gpt, name) if(err_message /= "") return err_message = this%alloc_nstr(nmom, ncol, nlay) end function init_and_alloc_nstr !>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Initialization from an existing spectral discretization/ty_optical_props !> !>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copy_and_alloc_1scl(this, ncol, nlay, spectral_desc, name) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: this integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay class(ty_optical_props ), intent(in) :: spectral_desc character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: name character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = "" if(this%ty_optical_props%is_initialized()) call this%ty_optical_props%finalize() err_message = this%ty_optical_props%init(spectral_desc%get_band_lims_wavenumber(), & spectral_desc%get_band_lims_gpoint(), name) if(err_message /= "") return err_message = this%alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay) end function copy_and_alloc_1scl ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copy_and_alloc_2str(this, ncol, nlay, spectral_desc, name) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_2str) :: this integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay class(ty_optical_props ), intent(in) :: spectral_desc character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: name character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = "" if(this%ty_optical_props%is_initialized()) call this%ty_optical_props%finalize() err_message = this%ty_optical_props%init(spectral_desc%get_band_lims_wavenumber(), & spectral_desc%get_band_lims_gpoint(), name) if(err_message /= "") return err_message = this%alloc_2str(ncol, nlay) end function copy_and_alloc_2str ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copy_and_alloc_nstr(this, nmom, ncol, nlay, spectral_desc, name) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_nstr) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nmom, ncol, nlay class(ty_optical_props ), intent(in) :: spectral_desc character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: name character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = "" if(this%ty_optical_props%is_initialized()) call this%ty_optical_props%finalize() err_message = this%ty_optical_props%init(spectral_desc%get_band_lims_wavenumber(), & spectral_desc%get_band_lims_gpoint(), name) if(err_message /= "") return err_message = this%alloc_nstr(nmom, ncol, nlay) end function copy_and_alloc_nstr !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> !> Finalize routines !> !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function finalize_1scl(this) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: this character(len=128) :: err_message if(allocated(this%tau)) deallocate(this%tau) err_message = "" end function finalize_1scl ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function finalize_2str(this) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_2str) :: this character(len=128) :: err_message if(allocated(this%tau)) deallocate(this%tau) if(allocated(this%ssa)) deallocate(this%ssa) if(allocated(this%g )) deallocate(this%g ) err_message = "" end function finalize_2str ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function finalize_nstr(this) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_nstr) :: this character(len=128) :: err_message if(allocated(this%tau)) deallocate(this%tau) if(allocated(this%ssa)) deallocate(this%ssa) if(allocated(this%p )) deallocate(this%p ) err_message = "" end function finalize_nstr ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Routines for array classes: delta-scaling, validation (ensuring all values can be used ) ! !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> --- delta scaling !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function delta_scale_1scl(this, for) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_1scl), intent(inout) :: this real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), optional, & intent(in ) :: for character(128) :: err_message ! ! Nothing to do ! err_message = "" end function delta_scale_1scl ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function delta_scale_2str(this, for) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_2str), intent(inout) :: this real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), optional, & intent(in ) :: for !! Forward scattering fraction; g**2 if not provided character(128) :: err_message integer :: ncol, nlay, ngpt ! -------------------------------- ncol = this%get_ncol() nlay = this%get_nlay() ngpt = this%get_ngpt() err_message = "" if(present(for)) then if (check_extents) then if(.not. extents_are(for, ncol, nlay, ngpt)) then err_message = "delta_scale: dimension of 'for' don't match optical properties arrays" return end if end if if (check_values) then if(any_vals_outside(for, 0._wp, 1._wp)) then err_message = "delta_scale: values of 'for' out of bounds [0,1]" return end if end if call delta_scale_2str_kernel(ncol, nlay, ngpt, this%tau, this%ssa, this%g, for) else call delta_scale_2str_kernel(ncol, nlay, ngpt, this%tau, this%ssa, this%g) end if end function delta_scale_2str ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function delta_scale_nstr(this, for) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_nstr), intent(inout) :: this real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), optional, & intent(in ) :: for character(128) :: err_message err_message = 'delta_scale_nstr: Not yet implemented' end function delta_scale_nstr !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> !> --- Validation !> !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function validate_1scalar(this) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_1scl), intent(in) :: this character(len=128) :: err_message err_message = '' if(.not. allocated(this%tau)) then err_message = "validate: tau not allocated/initialized" return end if if (check_values) then if(any_vals_less_than(this%tau, 0._wp)) & err_message = "validate: tau values out of range" end if if(len_trim(err_message) > 0 .and. len_trim(this%get_name()) > 0) & err_message = trim(this%get_name()) // ': ' // trim(err_message) end function validate_1scalar ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function validate_2stream(this) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_2str), intent(in) :: this character(len=128) :: err_message integer :: d1, d2, d3 err_message = '' ! ! Array allocation status, sizing ! if(check_extents) then if(.not. all([allocated(this%tau), allocated(this%ssa), allocated(this%g)])) then err_message = "validate: arrays not allocated/initialized" return end if d1 = size(this%tau, 1) d2 = size(this%tau, 2) d3 = size(this%tau, 3) if(.not. extents_are(this%ssa, d1, d2, d3) .or. & .not. extents_are(this%g , d1, d2, d3)) & err_message = "validate: arrays not sized consistently" end if ! ! Valid values ! if (check_values) then if(any_vals_less_than(this%tau, 0._wp)) & err_message = "validate: tau values out of range" if(any_vals_outside (this%ssa, 0._wp, 1._wp)) & err_message = "validate: ssa values out of range" if(any_vals_outside (this%g , -1._wp, 1._wp)) & err_message = "validate: g values out of range" end if if(len_trim(err_message) > 0 .and. len_trim(this%get_name()) > 0) & err_message = trim(this%get_name()) // ': ' // trim(err_message) end function validate_2stream ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function validate_nstream(this) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_nstr), intent(in) :: this character(len=128) :: err_message integer :: d1, d2, d3, d4 err_message = '' ! ! Array allocation status, sizing ! if(.not. all([allocated(this%tau), allocated(this%ssa), allocated(this%p)])) then err_message = "validate: arrays not allocated/initialized" return end if d1 = size(this%tau, 1) d2 = size(this%tau, 2) d3 = size(this%tau, 3) d4 = size(this%p, 1) if (check_extents) then if(.not. extents_are(this%ssa, d1, d2, d3) .or. & .not. extents_are(this%p , d4, d1, d2, d3)) & err_message = "validate: arrays not sized consistently" end if ! ! Valid values ! if (check_values) then if(any_vals_less_than(this%tau, 0._wp)) & err_message = "validate: tau values out of range" if(any_vals_outside (this%ssa, 0._wp, 1._wp)) & err_message = "validate: ssa values out of range" if(any_vals_outside (this%p(1,:,:,:), -1._wp, 1._wp)) & err_message = "validate: p(1,:,:,:) = g values out of range" end if if(len_trim(err_message) > 0 .and. len_trim(this%get_name()) > 0) & err_message = trim(this%get_name()) // ': ' // trim(err_message) end function validate_nstream ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Routines for array classes: subsetting of optical properties arrays along x (col) direction ! ! Allocate class, then arrays; copy. Could probably be more efficient if ! classes used pointers internally. ! ! This set takes start position and number as scalars ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function subset_1scl_range(full, start, n, subset) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_1scl), intent(inout) :: full integer, intent(in ) :: start, n class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: subset character(128) :: err_message integer :: ncol, nlay, ngpt, nmom err_message = "" if(.not. full%is_initialized()) then err_message = "optical_props%subset: Asking for a subset of uninitialized data" return end if ncol = full%get_ncol() nlay = full%get_nlay() ngpt = full%get_ngpt() if(start < 1 .or. start + n-1 > full%get_ncol()) & err_message = "optical_props%subset: Asking for columns outside range" if(err_message /= "") return if(subset%is_initialized()) call subset%finalize() err_message = subset%init(full) ! Seems like the deallocation statements should be needed under Fortran 2003 ! but Intel compiler doesn't run without them if(allocated(subset%tau)) deallocate(subset%tau) select type (subset) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) err_message = subset%alloc_1scl(n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return class is (ty_optical_props_2str) if(allocated(subset%ssa)) deallocate(subset%ssa) if(allocated(subset%g )) deallocate(subset%g ) err_message = subset%alloc_2str(n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return subset%ssa(1:n,:,:) = 0._wp subset%g (1:n,:,:) = 0._wp class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) if(allocated(subset%ssa)) deallocate(subset%ssa) if(allocated(subset%p )) then nmom = subset%get_nmom() deallocate(subset%p ) else nmom = 1 end if err_message = subset%alloc_nstr(nmom, n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return subset%ssa(1:n,:,:) = 0._wp subset%p(:,1:n,:,:) = 0._wp end select call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%tau, start, start+n-1, subset%tau) call subset%set_top_at_1(full%top_is_at_1()) end function subset_1scl_range ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function subset_2str_range(full, start, n, subset) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_2str), intent(inout) :: full integer, intent(in ) :: start, n class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: subset character(128) :: err_message integer :: ncol, nlay, ngpt, nmom err_message = "" if(.not. full%is_initialized()) then err_message = "optical_props%subset: Asking for a subset of uninitialized data" return end if ncol = full%get_ncol() nlay = full%get_nlay() ngpt = full%get_ngpt() if(start < 1 .or. start + n-1 > full%get_ncol()) & err_message = "optical_props%subset: Asking for columns outside range" if(err_message /= "") return if(subset%is_initialized()) call subset%finalize() err_message = subset%init(full) select type (subset) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) err_message = subset%alloc_1scl(n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%tau, full%ssa, start, start+n-1, subset%tau) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) if(allocated(subset%ssa)) deallocate(subset%ssa) if(allocated(subset%g )) deallocate(subset%g ) err_message = subset%alloc_2str(n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%tau, start, start+n-1, subset%tau) call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%ssa, start, start+n-1, subset%ssa) call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%g , start, start+n-1, subset%g ) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) if(allocated(subset%ssa)) deallocate(subset%ssa) if(allocated(subset%p )) then nmom = subset%get_nmom() deallocate(subset%p ) else nmom = 1 end if err_message = subset%alloc_nstr(nmom, n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%tau, start, start+n-1, subset%tau) call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%ssa, start, start+n-1, subset%ssa) subset%p(1,1:n,:,:) = full%g (start:start+n-1,:,:) subset%p(2:,:, :,:) = 0._wp end select call subset%set_top_at_1(full%top_is_at_1()) end function subset_2str_range ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function subset_nstr_range(full, start, n, subset) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_nstr), intent(inout) :: full integer, intent(in ) :: start, n class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: subset character(128) :: err_message integer :: ncol, nlay, ngpt, nmom err_message = "" if(.not. full%is_initialized()) then err_message = "optical_props%subset: Asking for a subset of uninitialized data" return end if ncol = full%get_ncol() nlay = full%get_nlay() ngpt = full%get_ngpt() if(start < 1 .or. start + n-1 > full%get_ncol()) & err_message = "optical_props%subset: Asking for columns outside range" if(err_message /= "") return if(subset%is_initialized()) call subset%finalize() err_message = subset%init(full) if(allocated(subset%tau)) deallocate(subset%tau) select type (subset) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) err_message = subset%alloc_1scl(n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%tau, full%ssa, start, start+n-1, subset%tau) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) if(allocated(subset%ssa)) deallocate(subset%ssa) if(allocated(subset%g )) deallocate(subset%g ) err_message = subset%alloc_2str(n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%tau, start, start+n-1, subset%tau) call extract_subset(ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%ssa, start, start+n-1, subset%ssa) subset%g (1:n,:,:) = full%p(1,start:start+n-1,:,:) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) if(allocated(subset%ssa)) deallocate(subset%ssa) if(allocated(subset%p )) deallocate(subset%p ) err_message = subset%alloc_nstr(nmom, n, nlay) if(err_message /= "") return call extract_subset( ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%tau, start, start+n-1, subset%tau) call extract_subset( ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%ssa, start, start+n-1, subset%ssa) call extract_subset(nmom, ncol, nlay, ngpt, full%p , start, start+n-1, subset%p ) end select call subset%set_top_at_1(full%top_is_at_1()) end function subset_nstr_range !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> !> Routines for array classes: incrementing !> a%increment(b) adds the values of a to b, changing b and leaving a untouched !> !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function increment(op_in, op_io) result(err_message) class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in ) :: op_in class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: op_io character(128) :: err_message ! ----- integer :: ncol, nlay, ngpt ! ----- err_message = "" if(.not. op_in%is_initialized()) & err_message = "ty_optical_props%increment: Incrementing optical properties aren't initialized" if(.not. op_in%is_initialized()) & err_message = "ty_optical_props%increment: optical properties to be incremented aren't initialized" if(err_message /= "") return ncol = op_io%get_ncol() nlay = op_io%get_nlay() ngpt = op_io%get_ngpt() if(.not. op_in%bands_are_equal(op_io)) & err_message = "ty_optical_props%increment: optical properties objects have different band structures" if(.not. all([op_in%get_ncol(), op_in%get_nlay()] == [ncol, nlay])) & err_message = "ty_optical_props%increment: optical properties objects have different ncol and/or nlay" if(err_message /= "") return if(op_in%gpoints_are_equal(op_io)) then ! ! Increment by gpoint ! (or by band if both op_in and op_io are defined that way) ! select type (op_io) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) select type (op_in) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) call increment_1scalar_by_1scalar(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, & op_in%tau) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) call increment_1scalar_by_2stream(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) call increment_1scalar_by_nstream(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa) end select class is (ty_optical_props_2str) select type (op_in) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) call increment_2stream_by_1scalar(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa,& op_in%tau) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) call increment_2stream_by_2stream(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%g, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%g) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) call increment_2stream_by_nstream(ncol, nlay, ngpt, op_in%get_nmom(), & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%g, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%p) end select class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) select type (op_in) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) call increment_nstream_by_1scalar(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, & op_in%tau) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) call increment_nstream_by_2stream(ncol, nlay, ngpt, op_io%get_nmom(), & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%p, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%g) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) call increment_nstream_by_nstream(ncol, nlay, ngpt, op_io%get_nmom(), op_in%get_nmom(), & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%p, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%p) end select end select else ! ! Values defined by-band will have ngpt() = nband() ! We can use values by band in op_in to increment op_io ! Anything else is an error ! if(op_in%get_ngpt() /= op_io%get_nband()) then err_message = "ty_optical_props%increment: optical properties objects have incompatible g-point structures" return end if ! ! Increment by band ! select type (op_io) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) select type (op_in) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) call inc_1scalar_by_1scalar_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, & op_in%tau, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) call inc_1scalar_by_2stream_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) call inc_1scalar_by_nstream_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) end select class is (ty_optical_props_2str) select type (op_in) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) call inc_2stream_by_1scalar_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, & op_in%tau, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) call inc_2stream_by_2stream_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%g, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%g, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) call inc_2stream_by_nstream_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, op_in%get_nmom(), & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%g, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%p, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) end select class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) select type (op_in) class is (ty_optical_props_1scl) call inc_nstream_by_1scalar_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, & op_in%tau, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) class is (ty_optical_props_2str) call inc_nstream_by_2stream_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, op_io%get_nmom(), & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%p, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%g, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) class is (ty_optical_props_nstr) call inc_nstream_by_nstream_bybnd(ncol, nlay, ngpt, op_io%get_nmom(), op_in%get_nmom(), & op_io%tau, op_io%ssa, op_io%p, & op_in%tau, op_in%ssa, op_in%p, & op_io%get_nband(), op_io%get_band_lims_gpoint()) end select end select end if end function increment !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Routines for array classes: problem sizes !> !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pure function get_arry_extent(this, dim) class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in ) :: this integer, intent(in ) :: dim integer :: get_arry_extent if(allocated(this%tau)) then get_arry_extent = size(this%tau, dim) else get_arry_extent = 0 end if end function get_arry_extent ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function get_ncol(this) class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in ) :: this integer :: get_ncol get_ncol = get_arry_extent(this, 1) end function get_ncol ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function get_nlay(this) class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in ) :: this integer :: get_nlay get_nlay = get_arry_extent(this, 2) end function get_nlay ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function get_nmom(this) class(ty_optical_props_nstr), intent(in ) :: this integer :: get_nmom if(allocated(this%p)) then get_nmom = size(this%p, 1) else get_nmom = 0 end if end function get_nmom !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Routines for array classes: vertical orientation !> ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function top_is_at_1(this) ! ! Vertical orientation - .true. if array index 1 is top of atmosphere ! class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(in) :: this logical :: top_is_at_1 top_is_at_1 = this%top_at_1 end function top_is_at_1 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine set_top_at_1(this, top_at_1) ! !> Set vertical orientation of class - .true. if array index 1 is top of atmosphere ! class(ty_optical_props_arry), intent(inout) :: this logical, intent(in ) :: top_at_1 this%top_at_1 = top_at_1 end subroutine set_top_at_1 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Routines for base class: spectral discretization ! !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Number of bands !> pure function get_nband(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this integer :: get_nband if(this%is_initialized()) then get_nband = size(this%band2gpt,dim=2) else get_nband = 0 end if end function get_nband !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Number of g-points !> pure function get_ngpt(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this integer :: get_ngpt if(this%is_initialized()) then get_ngpt = maxval(this%band2gpt) else get_ngpt = 0 end if end function get_ngpt !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> The first and last g-point of all bands at once !> dimension (2, nbands) !> pure function get_band_lims_gpoint(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this integer, dimension(size(this%band2gpt,dim=1), size(this%band2gpt,dim=2)) & :: get_band_lims_gpoint get_band_lims_gpoint = this%band2gpt end function get_band_lims_gpoint !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> First and last g-point of a specific band !> pure function convert_band2gpt(this, band) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: band integer, dimension(2) :: convert_band2gpt if(this%is_initialized()) then convert_band2gpt(:) = this%band2gpt(:,band) else convert_band2gpt(:) = 0 end if end function convert_band2gpt !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Lower and upper wavenumber of all bands !> (upper and lower wavenumber by band) = band_lims_wvn(2,band) !> pure function get_band_lims_wavenumber(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this real(wp), dimension(size(this%band_lims_wvn,1), size(this%band_lims_wvn,2)) & :: get_band_lims_wavenumber if(this%is_initialized()) then get_band_lims_wavenumber(:,:) = this%band_lims_wvn(:,:) else get_band_lims_wavenumber(:,:) = 0._wp end if end function get_band_lims_wavenumber !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Lower and upper wavelength of all bands !> pure function get_band_lims_wavelength(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this real(wp), dimension(size(this%band_lims_wvn,1), size(this%band_lims_wvn,2)) & :: get_band_lims_wavelength if(this%is_initialized()) then get_band_lims_wavelength(:,:) = 1._wp/this%band_lims_wvn(:,:) else get_band_lims_wavelength(:,:) = 0._wp end if end function get_band_lims_wavelength !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Bands for all the g-points at once !> dimension (ngpt) !> pure function get_gpoint_bands(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this integer, dimension(size(this%gpt2band,dim=1)) & :: get_gpoint_bands if(this%is_initialized()) then get_gpoint_bands(:) = this%gpt2band(:) else get_gpoint_bands(:) = 0 end if end function get_gpoint_bands !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Band associated with a specific g-point !> pure function convert_gpt2band(this, gpt) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: gpt integer :: convert_gpt2band if(this%is_initialized()) then convert_gpt2band = this%gpt2band(gpt) else convert_gpt2band = 0 end if end function convert_gpt2band !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Expand an array of dimension arr_in(nband) to dimension arr_out(ngpt) !> pure function expand(this, arr_in) result(arr_out) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: arr_in ! (nband) real(wp), dimension(size(this%gpt2band)) :: arr_out integer :: iband do iband=1,this%get_nband() arr_out(this%band2gpt(1,iband):this%band2gpt(2,iband)) = arr_in(iband) end do end function expand !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Are the bands of two objects the same? (same number, same wavelength limits) !> pure function bands_are_equal(this, that) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this, that logical :: bands_are_equal bands_are_equal = this%get_nband() == that%get_nband() .and. & this%get_nband() > 0 if(.not. bands_are_equal) return bands_are_equal = & all(abs(this%get_band_lims_wavenumber() - that%get_band_lims_wavenumber()) < & 5._wp * spacing(this%get_band_lims_wavenumber())) end function bands_are_equal !>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> Is the g-point structure of two objects the same? !> (same bands, same number of g-points, same mapping between bands and g-points) !> pure function gpoints_are_equal(this, that) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in) :: this, that logical :: gpoints_are_equal gpoints_are_equal = this%bands_are_equal(that) .and. & this%get_ngpt() == that%get_ngpt() if(.not. gpoints_are_equal) return gpoints_are_equal = & all(this%get_gpoint_bands() == that%get_gpoint_bands()) end function gpoints_are_equal !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> !> --- Setting/getting the name !> !> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine set_name(this, name) class(ty_optical_props), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in ) :: name this%name = trim(name) end subroutine set_name ! -------------------------------------------------------- function get_name(this) class(ty_optical_props), intent(in ) :: this character(len=name_len) :: get_name get_name = trim(this%name) end function get_name ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module mo_optical_props