v1.8 Release notes
Accumulated changes and bug fixes. Changes LW answers (data repo is also updated).
- New LW weights and secants (Change LW quadrature angles #282)
- A single source function on levels (Simplify LW source functions #250)
- Kernel API header files in Fortran and C (Add kernel API #272)
- Refactored two-stream, fixing RTE shortwave kernel not vectorizing #215 (Re-vectorize SW two-stream #275)
- Buxfixes, change to internal build systems and continuous integration (thanks to @skosukhin for ongoing help)
What’s Changed
- Deploy documentation from separate branch by @RobertPincus in #246
- CI should fail when individual tests fail by @RobertPincus in #256
- Backport Levante CI by @skosukhin in #257
- Backport Levante CI with NAG by @skosukhin in #260
- Backport the intent fix in lw_transport_noscat_up by @skosukhin in #262
- Reduce use of CI via manual runs by @RobertPincus in #264
- Refactored two-stream, new LW source functions and quadrature, kernel API by @RobertPincus in #284