Working with optical properties and spectral discretizations
This page provides an overview of methods available for working with spectral discretizations as used by the optical properties class and its descendents. Further details are available in the auto-generated documentation.
Optical properties are defined by their spectral dependence which is described during initialization.
The spectral dependence can be described via arrays: array band_lims_wvn
with extents (2, number-of-bands) describes the number of bands beginning and ending wavenumber of each band (in MKS units i.e. inverse meters). Optional argument band_lims_gpt
describes the beginning and ending g-point of each band; if this array isn’t provided it’s assumed values are available by band. An optional name
may be useful in debugging.
Alternatively variables of type ty_optical_props
can copy the spectral discretization from a previously-initialized variable e.g. err_msg = op2%init(op1)
Real-valued functions op%get_band_lims_wavenumber()`` and
op%get_band_lims_wavelength()` return arrays of extent (2, number-of-bands) containing the spectral limits of each band expressed in wavelength or wavenumber = 1/wavelength (again in MKS units).
Procedure op%is_initialized()
returns a logical value indicating if the spectral discretization has been provided. op%get_nband()
and op%get_ngpt()
return the (integer) number of band and g-points; if these numbers are the same the optical properties are defined by band.
Integer functions op%convert_band2gpt()
and op%convert_gpt2band()
provide a map between individual bands and g-points. Function op%get_gpoint_bands()
returns an integer of length op%get_ngpt() with the band number to which each g-point belongs (i.e. it’s the vector version of op%convert_gpt2band()
Comparison functions op1%bands_are_equal(op2)
and op1%gpoints_are_equal(op2)
return logical values indicating whether the tw sets of optical properties share the same band or g-point discretization.