! This code is part of Radiative Transfer for Energetics (RTE) ! ! Contacts: Robert Pincus and Eli Mlawer ! email: rrtmgp@aer.com ! ! Copyright 2015-, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, ! Regents of the University of Colorado, Trustees of Columbia University. All right reserved. ! ! Use and duplication is permitted under the terms of the ! BSD 3-clause license, see http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !>## Numeric calculations for radiative transfer solvers !> - Emission/absorption (no-scattering) calculations !> - solver for multi-angle Gaussian quadrature !> - solver for a single angle, calling !> - source function computation (linear-in-tau) !> - transport !> - Extinction-only calculation (direct solar beam) !> - Two-stream calculations: !> solvers for LW and SW with different boundary conditions and source functions !> - source function calculation for LW, SW !> - two-stream calculations for LW, SW (using different assumtions about phase function) !> - transport (adding) !> - Application of boundary conditions ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module mo_rte_solver_kernels use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use mo_rte_kind, only: wp, wl use mo_rte_util_array,only: zero_array implicit none private public :: lw_solver_noscat, lw_solver_2stream, & sw_solver_noscat, sw_solver_2stream real(wp), parameter :: pi = acos(-1._wp) contains ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Top-level longwave kernels ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> LW fluxes, no scattering, mu (cosine of integration angle) specified by column !> Does radiation calculation at user-supplied angles; converts radiances to flux !> using user-supplied weights ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_solver_noscat_oneangle(ncol, nlay, ngpt, top_at_1, D, weight, & tau, lay_source, lev_source, sfc_emis, sfc_src, & incident_flux, & flux_up, flux_dn, & do_broadband, broadband_up, broadband_dn, & do_Jacobians, sfc_srcJac, flux_upJac, & do_rescaling, ssa, g) integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay, ngpt ! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: D ! secant of propagation angle [] real(wp), intent(in ) :: weight ! quadrature weight real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: tau ! Absorption optical thickness [] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: lay_source ! Planck source at layer average temperature [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), intent(in ) :: lev_source ! Planck source at layer edge [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_emis ! Surface emissivity [] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_src ! Surface source function [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: incident_flux! Boundary condition for flux [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), target, & ! Fluxes [W/m2] intent( out) :: flux_up, flux_dn ! ! Optional variables - arrays aren't referenced if corresponding logical == False ! logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_broadband real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1 ), intent( out) :: broadband_up, broadband_dn ! Spectrally-integrated fluxes [W/m2] logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_Jacobians real(wp), dimension(ncol ,ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_srcJac ! surface temperature Jacobian of surface source function [W/m2/K] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1 ), intent( out) :: flux_upJac ! surface temperature Jacobian of Radiances [W/m2-str / K] logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_rescaling real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ,ngpt), intent(in ) :: ssa, g ! single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter ! ------------------------------------ ! Local variables, no g-point dependency ! integer :: icol, ilay, igpt integer :: top_level, sfc_level real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay) :: tau_loc, & ! path length (tau/mu) trans ! transmissivity = exp(-tau) real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay) :: source_dn, source_up real(wp), dimension(ncol ) :: sfc_albedo real(wp), parameter :: pi = acos(-1._wp) ! loc_fluxes hold a single g-point flux if fluxes are being integrated instead of returned ! with spectral detail real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), & target :: loc_flux_up, loc_flux_dn ! gpt_fluxes point to calculations for the current g-point real(wp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: gpt_flux_up, gpt_flux_dn ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Optionally, use an approximate treatment of scattering using rescaling ! Implemented based on the paper ! Tang G, et al, 2018: https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-18-0014.1 ! a) relies on rescaling of the optical parameters based on asymetry factor and single scattering albedo ! scaling can be computed by scaling_1rescl ! b) adds adustment term based on cloud properties (lw_transport_1rescl) ! adustment terms is computed based on solution of the Tang equations ! for "linear-in-tau" internal source (not in the paper) ! ! Used when approximating scattering ! real(wp) :: ssal, wb, scaleTau real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ) :: An, Cn real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1) :: gpt_flux_Jac ! ------------------------------------ ! Which way is up? if(top_at_1) then top_level = 1 sfc_level = nlay+1 else top_level = nlay+1 sfc_level = 1 end if ! ! Integrated fluxes need zeroing ! if(do_broadband) then call zero_array(ncol, nlay+1, broadband_up ) call zero_array(ncol, nlay+1, broadband_dn ) end if if(do_Jacobians) & call zero_array(ncol, nlay+1, flux_upJac ) do igpt = 1, ngpt if(do_broadband) then gpt_flux_up => loc_flux_up gpt_flux_dn => loc_flux_dn else gpt_flux_up => flux_up (:,:,igpt) gpt_flux_dn => flux_dn (:,:,igpt) end if ! ! Transport is for intensity ! convert flux at top of domain to intensity assuming azimuthal isotropy ! gpt_flux_dn(:,top_level) = incident_flux(:,igpt)/(pi * weight) ! ! Optical path and transmission, used in source function and transport calculations ! if (do_rescaling) then ! ! The scaling and scaleTau terms are independent of propagation ! angle D and could be pre-computed if several values of D are used ! We re-compute them here to keep not have to localize memory use ! do ilay = 1, nlay do icol = 1, ncol ssal = ssa(icol, ilay, igpt) ! w is the layer single scattering albedo ! b is phase function parameter (Eq.13 of the paper) ! for the similarity principle scaling scheme ! b = (1-g)/2 (where g is phase function avergae cosine) wb = ssal*(1._wp - g(icol, ilay, igpt)) * 0.5_wp ! scaleTau=1-w(1-b) is a scaling factor of the optical thickness representing ! the radiative transfer equation in a nonscattering form Eq(14) of the paper scaleTau = (1._wp - ssal + wb) ! Cn = 0.5*wb/(1-w(1-b)) is parameter of Eq.21-22 of the Tang paper ! Tang paper, p.2222 advises to replace 0.5 with 0.4 based on simulations Cn(icol,ilay) = 0.4_wp*wb/scaleTau ! Eqs.15, 18ab and 19 of the paper, ! rescaling of the optical depth multiplied by path length tau_loc(icol,ilay) = tau(icol,ilay,igpt)*D(icol,igpt)*scaleTau end do trans (:,ilay) = exp(-tau_loc(:,ilay)) An(:,ilay) = (1._wp-trans(:,ilay)**2) end do else do ilay = 1, nlay tau_loc(:,ilay) = tau(:,ilay,igpt)*D(:,igpt) trans (:,ilay) = exp(-tau_loc(:,ilay)) end do end if ! ! Source function for diffuse radiation ! call lw_source_noscat(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & lay_source(:,:,igpt), lev_source(:,:,igpt), & tau_loc, trans, source_dn, source_up) ! ! Transport down ! call lw_transport_noscat_dn(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, trans, source_dn, gpt_flux_dn) ! ! Surface albedo, surface source function, reflection and emission ! sfc_albedo(:) = 1._wp - sfc_emis(:,igpt) gpt_flux_up (:,sfc_level) = gpt_flux_dn(:,sfc_level)*sfc_albedo(:) + & sfc_emis(:,igpt) * sfc_src (:,igpt) if(do_Jacobians) & gpt_flux_Jac(:,sfc_level) = sfc_emis(:,igpt) * sfc_srcJac(:,igpt) ! ! Transport up, or up and down again if using rescaling ! if(do_rescaling) then call lw_transport_1rescl(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, trans, & source_dn, source_up, & gpt_flux_up, gpt_flux_dn, An, Cn, & do_Jacobians, gpt_flux_Jac) ! Standing in for Jacobian, i.e. rad_up_Jac(:,:,igpt), rad_dn_Jac(:,:,igpt)) else call lw_transport_noscat_up(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, trans, source_up, gpt_flux_up, & do_Jacobians, gpt_flux_Jac) end if if(do_broadband) then broadband_up(:,:) = broadband_up(:,:) + gpt_flux_up(:,:) broadband_dn(:,:) = broadband_dn(:,:) + gpt_flux_dn(:,:) else ! ! Convert intensity to flux assuming azimuthal isotropy and quadrature weight ! gpt_flux_dn(:,:) = pi * weight * gpt_flux_dn(:,:) gpt_flux_up(:,:) = pi * weight * gpt_flux_up(:,:) end if ! ! Only broadband-integrated Jacobians are provided ! if(do_Jacobians) & flux_upJac(:,:) = flux_upJac(:,:) + gpt_flux_Jac(:,:) end do ! g point loop if(do_broadband) then broadband_up(:,:) = pi * weight* broadband_up(:,:) broadband_dn(:,:) = pi * weight* broadband_dn(:,:) end if if(do_Jacobians) & flux_upJac(:,:) = pi * weight * flux_upJac(:,:) end subroutine lw_solver_noscat_oneangle ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> LW transport, no scattering, multi-angle quadrature !> Users provide a set of weights and quadrature angles !> Routine sums over single-angle solutions for each sets of angles/weights ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_solver_noscat(ncol, nlay, ngpt, top_at_1, & nmus, Ds, weights, & tau, & lay_source, lev_source, & sfc_emis, sfc_src, & inc_flux, & flux_up, flux_dn, & do_broadband, broadband_up, broadband_dn, & do_Jacobians, sfc_srcJac, flux_upJac, & do_rescaling, ssa, g) bind(C, name="rte_lw_solver_noscat") integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay, ngpt !! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 !! ilay = 1 is the top of the atmosphere? integer, intent(in ) :: nmus !! number of quadrature angles real(wp), dimension (ncol, ngpt, & nmus), intent(in ) :: Ds !! quadrature secants real(wp), dimension(nmus), intent(in ) :: weights !! quadrature weights real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: tau !! Absorption optical thickness [] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: lay_source !! Planck source at layer average temperature [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), intent(in ) :: lev_source !! Planck source at layer edge for radiation[W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_emis !! Surface emissivity [] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_src !! Surface source function [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: inc_flux !! Incident diffuse flux, probably 0 [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), target, & intent( out) :: flux_up, flux_dn !! Fluxes [W/m2] ! ! Optional variables - arrays aren't referenced if corresponding logical == False ! logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_broadband real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1 ), target, & intent( out) :: broadband_up, broadband_dn !! Spectrally-integrated fluxes [W/m2] logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_Jacobians !! compute Jacobian with respect to surface temeprature? real(wp), dimension(ncol ,ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_srcJac !! surface temperature Jacobian of surface source function [W/m2/K] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1 ), target, & intent( out) :: flux_upJac !! surface temperature Jacobian of Radiances [W/m2-str / K] logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_rescaling !! Approximate treatment of scattering (10.1175/JAS-D-18-0014.1) real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ,ngpt), intent(in ) :: ssa, g !! single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter ! ------------------------------------ ! ! Local variables - used for a single quadrature angle ! real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: this_flux_up, this_flux_dn real(wp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: this_broadband_up, this_broadband_dn, this_flux_upJac integer :: imu ! ------------------------------------ ! ! For the first angle output arrays store total flux ! call lw_solver_noscat_oneangle(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & top_at_1, Ds(:,:,1), weights(1), tau, & lay_source, lev_source, sfc_emis, sfc_src, & inc_flux, & flux_up, flux_dn, & do_broadband, broadband_up, broadband_dn, & do_Jacobians, sfc_srcJac, flux_upJac, & do_rescaling, ssa, g) ! ! For more than one angle use local arrays ! if(nmus > 1) then if(do_broadband) then allocate(this_broadband_up(ncol,nlay+1), this_broadband_dn(ncol,nlay+1)) ! Spectrally-resolved fluxes won't be filled in so can point to caller-supplied memory this_flux_up => flux_up this_flux_dn => flux_dn else allocate(this_flux_up(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), this_flux_dn(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt)) ! Spectrally-integrated fluxes won't be filled in so can point to caller-supplied memory this_broadband_up => broadband_up this_broadband_dn => broadband_dn end if if(do_Jacobians) then allocate(this_flux_upJac(ncol,nlay+1)) else this_flux_upJac => flux_upJac end if end if do imu = 2, nmus call lw_solver_noscat_oneangle(ncol, nlay, ngpt, & top_at_1, Ds(:,:,imu), weights(imu), tau, & lay_source, lev_source, sfc_emis, sfc_src, & inc_flux, & this_flux_up, this_flux_dn, & do_broadband, this_broadband_up, this_broadband_dn, & do_Jacobians, sfc_srcJac, this_flux_upJac, & do_rescaling, ssa, g) if(do_broadband) then broadband_up(:,:) = broadband_up(:,:) + this_broadband_up(:,:) broadband_dn(:,:) = broadband_dn(:,:) + this_broadband_dn(:,:) else flux_up (:,:,:) = flux_up (:,:,:) + this_flux_up (:,:,:) flux_dn (:,:,:) = flux_dn (:,:,:) + this_flux_dn (:,:,:) end if if (do_Jacobians) & flux_upJac(:,:) = flux_upJac(:,: ) + this_flux_upJac(:,: ) end do if(nmus > 1) then if( do_broadband) deallocate(this_broadband_up, this_broadband_dn) if(.not. do_broadband) deallocate(this_flux_up, this_flux_dn) if( do_Jacobians) deallocate(this_flux_upJac) end if end subroutine lw_solver_noscat ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Longwave two-stream calculation: !> - combine RRTMGP-specific sources at levels !> - compute layer reflectance, transmittance !> - compute total source function at levels using linear-in-tau !> - transport ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_solver_2stream (ncol, nlay, ngpt, top_at_1, & tau, ssa, g, & lay_source, lev_source, sfc_emis, sfc_src, & inc_flux, & flux_up, flux_dn) bind(C, name="rte_lw_solver_2stream") integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay, ngpt !! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 !! ilay = 1 is the top of the atmosphere? real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: tau, ssa, g !! Optical thickness, single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter [] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: lay_source !! Planck source at layer average temperature [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), intent(in ) :: lev_source !! Planck source at layer edge temperature [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_emis !! Surface emissivity [] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_src !! Surface source function [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: inc_flux !! Incident diffuse flux, probably 0 [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), intent( out) :: flux_up, flux_dn !! Fluxes [W/m2] ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: igpt, top_level real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ) :: Rdif, Tdif, gamma1, gamma2 real(wp), dimension(ncol ) :: sfc_albedo real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ) :: source_dn, source_up real(wp), dimension(ncol ) :: source_sfc ! ------------------------------------ top_level = nlay+1 if(top_at_1) top_level = 1 do igpt = 1, ngpt ! ! Cell properties: reflection, transmission for diffuse radiation ! Coupling coefficients needed for source function ! call lw_two_stream(ncol, nlay, & tau (:,:,igpt), ssa(:,:,igpt), g(:,:,igpt), & gamma1, gamma2, Rdif, Tdif) ! ! Source function for diffuse radiation ! call lw_source_2str(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & sfc_emis(:,igpt), sfc_src(:,igpt), & lay_source(:,:,igpt), lev_source, & gamma1, gamma2, Rdif, Tdif, tau(:,:,igpt), & source_dn, source_up, source_sfc) ! ! Transport ! sfc_albedo(1:ncol) = 1._wp - sfc_emis(:,igpt) ! ! Boundary condition ! flux_dn(:,top_level,igpt) = inc_flux(:,igpt) call adding(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & sfc_albedo, & Rdif, Tdif, & source_dn, source_up, source_sfc, & flux_up(:,:,igpt), flux_dn(:,:,igpt)) end do end subroutine lw_solver_2stream ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Top-level shortwave kernels ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !> Extinction-only shortwave solver i.e. solar direct beam ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pure subroutine sw_solver_noscat(ncol, nlay, ngpt, top_at_1, & tau, mu0, inc_flux_dir, flux_dir) bind(C, name="rte_sw_solver_noscat") integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay, ngpt ! Number of columns, layers, g-points !! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 !! ilay = 1 is the top of the atmosphere? real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: tau !! Absorption optical thickness [] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: mu0 !! cosine of solar zenith angle real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: inc_flux_dir !! Direct beam incident flux [W/m2] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), intent(out) :: flux_dir !! Direct-beam flux, spectral [W/m2] integer :: ilev, igpt ! ------------------------------------ ! Indexing into arrays for upward and downward propagation depends on the vertical ! orientation of the arrays (whether the domain top is at the first or last index) ! We write the loops out explicitly so compilers will have no trouble optimizing them. ! Downward propagation if(top_at_1) then ! For the flux at this level, what was the previous level, and which layer has the ! radiation just passed through? ! layer index = level index - 1 ! previous level is up (-1) do igpt = 1, ngpt flux_dir(:, 1,igpt) = inc_flux_dir(:,igpt) * mu0(:,1) do ilev = 2, nlay+1 flux_dir(:,ilev,igpt) = flux_dir(:,ilev-1,igpt) * exp(-tau(:,ilev-1,igpt)/mu0(:,ilev-1)) end do end do else ! layer index = level index ! previous level is up (+1) do igpt = 1, ngpt flux_dir(:,nlay+1,igpt) = inc_flux_dir(:,igpt) * mu0(:,nlay) do ilev = nlay, 1, -1 flux_dir(:,ilev,igpt) = flux_dir(:,ilev+1,igpt) * exp(-tau(:,ilev,igpt)/mu0(:,ilev)) end do end do end if end subroutine sw_solver_noscat ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Shortwave two-stream calculation: !> compute layer reflectance, transmittance !> compute solar source function for diffuse radiation !> transport ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sw_solver_2stream (ncol, nlay, ngpt, top_at_1, & tau, ssa, g, mu0, & sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif, & inc_flux_dir, & flux_up, flux_dn, flux_dir, & has_dif_bc, inc_flux_dif, & do_broadband, broadband_up, & broadband_dn, broadband_dir) bind(C, name="rte_sw_solver_2stream") integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay, ngpt !! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 !! ilay = 1 is the top of the atmosphere? real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay, ngpt), intent(in ) :: tau, ssa, g !! Optical thickness, single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter [] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: mu0 !! cosine of solar zenith angle real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif !! Spectral surface albedo for direct and diffuse radiation real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: inc_flux_dir !! Direct beam incident flux real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1,ngpt), target, & intent( out) :: flux_up, flux_dn, flux_dir !! Fluxes [W/m2] logical(wl), intent(in ) :: has_dif_bc !! Is a boundary condition for diffuse flux supplied? real(wp), dimension(ncol, ngpt), intent(in ) :: inc_flux_dif !! Boundary condition for diffuse flux [W/m2] logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_broadband !! Provide broadband-integrated, not spectrally-resolved, fluxes? real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1 ), intent( out) :: broadband_up, broadband_dn, broadband_dir !! Broadband integrated fluxes ! ------------------------------------------- integer :: igpt, top_level, top_layer real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ) :: Rdif, Tdif real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ) :: source_up, source_dn real(wp), dimension(ncol ) :: source_srf ! loc_fluxes hold a single g-point flux if fluxes are being integrated instead of returned ! with spectral detail real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), & target :: loc_flux_up, loc_flux_dn, loc_flux_dir ! gpt_fluxes point to calculations for the current g-point real(wp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: gpt_flux_up, gpt_flux_dn, gpt_flux_dir ! ------------------------------------ if(top_at_1) then top_level = 1 top_layer = 1 else top_level = nlay+1 top_layer = nlay end if ! ! Integrated fluxes need zeroing ! if(do_broadband) then call zero_array(ncol, nlay+1, broadband_up ) call zero_array(ncol, nlay+1, broadband_dn ) call zero_array(ncol, nlay+1, broadband_dir) end if do igpt = 1, ngpt if(do_broadband) then gpt_flux_up => loc_flux_up gpt_flux_dn => loc_flux_dn gpt_flux_dir => loc_flux_dir else gpt_flux_up => flux_up (:,:,igpt) gpt_flux_dn => flux_dn (:,:,igpt) gpt_flux_dir => flux_dir(:,:,igpt) end if ! ! Boundary conditions direct beam... ! gpt_flux_dir(:,top_level) = inc_flux_dir(:,igpt) * mu0(:,top_layer) ! ! ... and diffuse field, using 0 if no BC is provided ! if(has_dif_bc) then gpt_flux_dn(:,top_level) = inc_flux_dif(:,igpt) else gpt_flux_dn(:,top_level) = 0._wp end if ! ! Cell properties: transmittance and reflectance for diffuse radiation ! Direct-beam and source for diffuse radiation ! call sw_dif_and_source(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, mu0, sfc_alb_dir(:,igpt), & tau(:,:,igpt), ssa(:,:,igpt), g(:,:,igpt), & Rdif, Tdif, source_dn, source_up, source_srf, & gpt_flux_dir) ! ! Transport ! call adding(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & sfc_alb_dif(:,igpt), Rdif, Tdif, & source_dn, source_up, source_srf, gpt_flux_up, gpt_flux_dn) ! ! adding() computes only diffuse flux; flux_dn is total ! if(do_broadband) then broadband_up (:,:) = broadband_up (:,:) + gpt_flux_up (:,:) broadband_dn (:,:) = broadband_dn (:,:) + gpt_flux_dn (:,:) + gpt_flux_dir(:,:) broadband_dir(:,:) = broadband_dir(:,:) + gpt_flux_dir(:,:) else gpt_flux_dn(:,:) = gpt_flux_dn (:,:) + gpt_flux_dir(:,:) end if end do end subroutine sw_solver_2stream ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Lower-level longwave kernels ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute LW source function for upward and downward emission at levels using linear-in-tau assumption ! See Clough et al., 1992, doi: 10.1029/92JD01419, Eq 13 ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_source_noscat(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, lay_source, lev_source, tau, trans, & source_dn, source_up) integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay logical(wl), intent(in) :: top_at_1 real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay ), intent(in) :: lay_source, & ! Planck source at layer center tau, & ! Optical path (tau/mu) trans ! Transmissivity (exp(-tau)) real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay+1), intent(in) :: lev_source ! Planck source at levels (layer edges) real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay ), target, & intent(out):: source_dn, source_up ! Source function at layer edges ! Down at the bottom of the layer, up at the top ! -------------------------------- real(wp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: source_inc, source_dec integer :: icol, ilay real(wp) :: fact real(wp), parameter :: tau_thresh = sqrt(sqrt(epsilon(tau))) ! --------------------------------------------------------------- if (top_at_1) then source_inc => source_dn source_dec => source_up else source_inc => source_up source_dec => source_dn end if do ilay = 1, nlay do icol = 1, ncol ! ! Weighting factor. Use 3rd order series expansion when rounding error (~tau^2) ! is of order epsilon (smallest difference from 1. in working precision) ! Thanks to Peter Blossey (UW) for the idea and Dmitry Alexeev (Nvidia) for suggesting 3rd order ! if(tau(icol, ilay) > tau_thresh) then fact = (1._wp - trans(icol,ilay))/tau(icol,ilay) - trans(icol,ilay) else fact = tau(icol, ilay) * (0.5_wp + tau(icol, ilay) * (- 1._wp/3._wp + tau(icol, ilay) * 1._wp/8._wp ) ) end if ! ! Equation below is developed in Clough et al., 1992, doi:10.1029/92JD01419, Eq 13 ! source_inc(icol,ilay) = (1._wp - trans(icol,ilay)) * lev_source(icol,ilay+1) + & 2._wp * fact * (lay_source(icol,ilay) - lev_source(icol,ilay+1)) source_dec(icol,ilay) = (1._wp - trans(icol,ilay)) * lev_source(icol,ilay ) + & 2._wp * fact * (lay_source(icol,ilay) - lev_source(icol,ilay )) ! ! Even better - omit the layer Planck source (not working so well) ! if(.false.) then source_inc(icol,ilay) = (1._wp - trans(icol,ilay)) * lev_source(icol,ilay+1) + & fact * (lev_source(icol,ilay ) - lev_source(icol,ilay+1)) source_dec(icol,ilay) = (1._wp - trans(icol,ilay)) * lev_source(icol,ilay ) + & fact * (lev_source(icol,ilay+1) - lev_source(icol,ilay )) end if end do end do end subroutine lw_source_noscat ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Longwave no-scattering transport - separate routines for up and down ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_transport_noscat_dn(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & trans, source_dn, radn_dn) integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay ! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 ! real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: trans ! transmissivity = exp(-tau) real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: source_dn ! Diffuse radiation emitted by the layer real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(inout) :: radn_dn ! Radiances [W/m2-str] Top level must contain incident flux boundary condition ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables integer :: ilev ! --------------------------------------------------- if(top_at_1) then ! ! Top of domain is index 1 ! do ilev = 2, nlay+1 radn_dn(:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev-1)*radn_dn(:,ilev-1) + source_dn(:,ilev-1) end do else ! ! Top of domain is index nlay+1 ! do ilev = nlay, 1, -1 radn_dn(:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev )*radn_dn(:,ilev+1) + source_dn(:,ilev) end do end if end subroutine lw_transport_noscat_dn ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_transport_noscat_up(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & trans, source_up, radn_up, do_Jacobians, radn_upJac) integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay ! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 ! real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: trans ! transmissivity = exp(-tau) real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: source_up ! Diffuse radiation emitted by the layer real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(inout) :: radn_up ! Radiances [W/m2-str] Top level must contain incident flux boundary condition logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_Jacobians real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(inout) :: radn_upJac ! surface temperature Jacobian of Radiances [W/m2-str / K] ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables integer :: ilev ! --------------------------------------------------- if(top_at_1) then ! ! Top of domain is index 1 ! ! Upward propagation do ilev = nlay, 1, -1 radn_up (:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev )*radn_up (:,ilev+1) + source_up(:,ilev) if(do_Jacobians) & radn_upJac(:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev )*radn_upJac(:,ilev+1) end do else ! ! Top of domain is index nlay+1 ! ! Upward propagation do ilev = 2, nlay+1 radn_up (:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev-1) * radn_up (:,ilev-1) + source_up(:,ilev-1) if(do_Jacobians) & radn_upJac(:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev-1) * radn_upJac(:,ilev-1) end do end if end subroutine lw_transport_noscat_up ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Upward and (second) downward transport for re-scaled longwave solution ! adds adjustment factor based on cloud properties ! ! implementation notice: ! the adjustmentFactor computation can be skipped where Cn <= epsilon ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_transport_1rescl(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & trans, source_dn, source_up, & radn_up, radn_dn, An, Cn,& do_Jacobians, radn_up_Jac) integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay ! Number of columns, layers, g-points logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 ! real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: trans ! transmissivity = exp(-tau) real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: source_dn, & source_up ! Diffuse radiation emitted by the layer real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(inout) :: radn_up ! Radiances [W/m2-str] real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(inout) :: radn_dn !Top level must contain incident flux boundary condition real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay), intent(in ) :: An, Cn logical(wl), intent(in ) :: do_Jacobians real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(inout) :: radn_up_Jac ! Surface temperature Jacobians [W/m2-str/K] ! ! We could in principle compute a downwelling Jacobian too, but it's small ! (only a small proportion of LW is scattered) and it complicates code and the API, ! so we will not ! ! Local variables integer :: ilev, icol ! --------------------------------------------------- real(wp) :: adjustmentFactor if(top_at_1) then ! ! Top of domain is index 1 ! ! Upward propagation ! adjustment factor is obtained as a solution of 18b of the Tang paper ! eqvivalent to Eq.20 of the Tang paper but for linear-in-tau source do ilev = nlay, 1, -1 do icol=1,ncol adjustmentFactor = Cn(icol,ilev)*( An(icol,ilev)*radn_dn(icol,ilev) - & trans(icol,ilev)*source_dn(icol,ilev) - source_up(icol,ilev) ) radn_up (icol,ilev) = trans(icol,ilev)*radn_up(icol,ilev+1) + source_up(icol,ilev) + & adjustmentFactor end do if(do_Jacobians) & radn_up_Jac(:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev)*radn_up_Jac(:,ilev+1) end do ! Downward propagation ! radn_dn_Jac(:,1) = 0._wp ! adjustment factor is obtained as a solution of 19 of the Tang paper ! eqvivalent to Eq.21 of the Tang paper but for linear-in-tau source do ilev = 1, nlay ! radn_dn_Jac(:,ilev+1) = trans(:,ilev)*radn_dn_Jac(:,ilev) do icol=1,ncol adjustmentFactor = Cn(icol,ilev)*( An(icol,ilev)*radn_up(icol,ilev) - & trans(icol,ilev)*source_up(icol,ilev) - source_dn(icol,ilev) ) radn_dn(icol,ilev+1) = trans(icol,ilev)*radn_dn(icol,ilev) + source_dn(icol,ilev) + & adjustmentFactor ! adjustmentFactor = Cn(icol,ilev)*An(icol,ilev)*radn_up_Jac(icol,ilev) ! radn_dn_Jac(icol,ilev+1) = radn_dn_Jac(icol,ilev+1) + adjustmentFactor enddo end do else ! ! Top of domain is index nlay+1 ! ! Upward propagation ! adjustment factor is obtained as a solution of 18b of the Tang paper ! eqvivalent to Eq.20 of the Tang paper but for linear-in-tau source do ilev = 1, nlay radn_up (:,ilev+1) = trans(:,ilev) * radn_up (:,ilev) + source_up(:,ilev) do icol=1,ncol adjustmentFactor = Cn(icol,ilev)*( An(icol,ilev)*radn_dn(icol,ilev+1) - & trans(icol,ilev)*source_dn(icol,ilev) - source_up(icol,ilev) ) radn_up(icol,ilev+1) = trans(icol,ilev)*radn_up(icol,ilev) + source_up(icol,ilev) + & adjustmentFactor enddo if(do_Jacobians) & radn_up_Jac(:,ilev+1) = trans(:,ilev) * radn_up_Jac(:,ilev) end do ! Downward propagation ! adjustment factor is obtained as a solution of 19 of the Tang paper ! eqvivalent to Eq.21 of the Tang paper but for linear-in-tau source ! radn_dn_Jac(:,nlay+1) = 0._wp do ilev = nlay, 1, -1 ! radn_dn_Jac(:,ilev) = trans(:,ilev)*radn_dn_Jac(:,ilev+1) do icol=1,ncol adjustmentFactor = Cn(icol,ilev)*( An(icol,ilev)*radn_up(icol,ilev) - & trans(icol,ilev)*source_up(icol,ilev) - source_dn(icol,ilev) ) radn_dn(icol,ilev) = trans(icol,ilev)*radn_dn(icol,ilev+1) + source_dn(icol,ilev) + & adjustmentFactor ! adjustmentFactor = Cn(icol,ilev)*An(icol,ilev)*radn_up_Jac(icol,ilev) ! radn_dn_Jac(icol,ilev) = radn_dn_Jac(icol,ilev) + adjustmentFactor enddo end do end if end subroutine lw_transport_1rescl ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Longwave two-stream solutions to diffuse reflectance and transmittance for a layer ! with optical depth tau, single scattering albedo w0, and asymmetery parameter g. ! ! Equations are developed in Meador and Weaver, 1980, ! doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1980)037<0630:TSATRT>2.0.CO;2 ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pure subroutine lw_two_stream(ncol, nlay, tau, w0, g, & gamma1, gamma2, Rdif, Tdif) integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay), intent(in) :: tau, w0, g real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay), intent(out) :: gamma1, gamma2, Rdif, Tdif ! ----------------------- integer :: i, j ! Variables used in Meador and Weaver real(wp) :: k(ncol) ! Ancillary variables real(wp) :: RT_term(ncol) real(wp) :: exp_minusktau(ncol), exp_minus2ktau(ncol) real(wp), parameter :: LW_diff_sec = 1.66 ! 1./cos(diffusivity angle) ! --------------------------------- do j = 1, nlay do i = 1, ncol ! ! Coefficients differ from SW implementation because the phase function is more isotropic ! Here we follow Fu et al. 1997, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1997)054<2799:MSPITI>2.0.CO;2 ! and use a diffusivity sec of 1.66 ! gamma1(i,j)= LW_diff_sec * (1._wp - 0.5_wp * w0(i,j) * (1._wp + g(i,j))) ! Fu et al. Eq 2.9 gamma2(i,j)= LW_diff_sec * 0.5_wp * w0(i,j) * (1._wp - g(i,j)) ! Fu et al. Eq 2.10 ! Eq 18; k = SQRT(gamma1**2 - gamma2**2), limited below to avoid div by 0. ! k = 0 for isotropic, conservative scattering; this lower limit on k ! gives relative error with respect to conservative solution ! of < 0.1% in Rdif down to tau = 10^-9 k(i) = sqrt(max((gamma1(i,j) - gamma2(i,j)) * (gamma1(i,j) + gamma2(i,j)), 1.e-12_wp)) end do ! Written to encourage vectorization of exponential exp_minusktau(1:ncol) = exp(-tau(1:ncol,j)*k(1:ncol)) ! ! Diffuse reflection and transmission ! do i = 1, ncol exp_minus2ktau(i) = exp_minusktau(i) * exp_minusktau(i) ! Refactored to avoid rounding errors when k, gamma1 are of very different magnitudes RT_term(i) = 1._wp / (k (i ) * (1._wp + exp_minus2ktau(i)) + & gamma1(i,j) * (1._wp - exp_minus2ktau(i)) ) ! Equation 25 Rdif(i,j) = RT_term(i) * gamma2(i,j) * (1._wp - exp_minus2ktau(i)) ! Equation 26 Tdif(i,j) = RT_term(i) * 2._wp * k(i) * exp_minusktau(i) end do end do end subroutine lw_two_stream ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute LW source function for upward and downward emission at levels using linear-in-tau assumption ! This version straight from ECRAD ! Source is provided as W/m2-str; factor of pi converts to flux units ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lw_source_2str(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & sfc_emis, sfc_src, & lay_source, lev_source, & gamma1, gamma2, rdif, tdif, tau, source_dn, source_up, source_sfc) & bind (C, name="rte_lw_source_2str") integer, intent(in) :: ncol, nlay logical(wl), intent(in) :: top_at_1 real(wp), dimension(ncol ), intent(in) :: sfc_emis, sfc_src real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay), intent(in) :: lay_source ! Planck source at layer center real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay), intent(in) :: tau ! Optical depth (tau) real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay), intent(in) :: gamma1, gamma2 ! Coupling coefficients real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay), intent(in) :: rdif, tdif ! Layer reflectance and transmittance real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay+1), target, & intent(in) :: lev_source ! Planck source at layer edges real(wp), dimension(ncol, nlay), intent(out) :: source_dn, source_up real(wp), dimension(ncol ), intent(out) :: source_sfc ! Source function for upward radation at surface integer :: icol, ilay real(wp) :: Z, Zup_top, Zup_bottom, Zdn_top, Zdn_bottom real(wp), dimension(:), pointer :: lev_source_bot, lev_source_top ! --------------------------------------------------------------- do ilay = 1, nlay if(top_at_1) then lev_source_top => lev_source(:,ilay) lev_source_bot => lev_source(:,ilay+1) else lev_source_top => lev_source(:,ilay+1) lev_source_bot => lev_source(:,ilay) end if do icol = 1, ncol if (tau(icol,ilay) > 1.0e-8_wp) then ! ! Toon et al. (JGR 1989) Eqs 26-27 ! Z = (lev_source_bot(icol)-lev_source_top(icol)) / (tau(icol,ilay)*(gamma1(icol,ilay)+gamma2(icol,ilay))) Zup_top = Z + lev_source_top(icol) Zup_bottom = Z + lev_source_bot(icol) Zdn_top = -Z + lev_source_top(icol) Zdn_bottom = -Z + lev_source_bot(icol) source_up(icol,ilay) = pi * (Zup_top - rdif(icol,ilay) * Zdn_top - tdif(icol,ilay) * Zup_bottom) source_dn(icol,ilay) = pi * (Zdn_bottom - rdif(icol,ilay) * Zup_bottom - tdif(icol,ilay) * Zdn_top) else source_up(icol,ilay) = 0._wp source_dn(icol,ilay) = 0._wp end if end do end do do icol = 1, ncol source_sfc(icol) = pi * sfc_emis(icol) * sfc_src(icol) end do end subroutine lw_source_2str ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Lower-level shortwave kernels ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Two-stream solutions to diffuse reflectance and transmittance for a layer ! with optical depth tau, single scattering albedo w0, and asymmetery parameter g. ! Direct reflectance and transmittance used to compute direct beam source for diffuse radiation ! in layers and at surface; report direct beam as a byproduct ! Computing the direct-beam source for diffuse radiation at the same time as R and T for ! direct radiation reduces memory traffic and use. ! ! Equations are developed in Meador and Weaver, 1980, ! doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1980)037<0630:TSATRT>2.0.CO;2 ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pure subroutine sw_dif_and_source(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, mu0, sfc_albedo, & tau, w0, g, & Rdif, Tdif, source_dn, source_up, source_sfc, flux_dn_dir) bind (C, name="rte_sw_source_dir") integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 real(wp), dimension(ncol ), intent(in ) :: sfc_albedo ! surface albedo for direct radiation real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: tau, w0, g, mu0 real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent( out) :: Rdif, Tdif, source_dn, source_up real(wp), dimension(ncol ), intent( out) :: source_sfc ! Source function for upward radation at surface real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), target, & intent(inout) :: flux_dn_dir ! Direct beam flux ! ----------------------- integer :: i, j ! Variables used in Meador and Weaver real(wp) :: gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, gamma4, alpha1, alpha2 ! Ancillary variables real(wp), parameter :: min_k = 1.e4_wp * epsilon(1._wp) ! Suggestion from Chiel van Heerwaarden real(wp), parameter :: min_mu0 = sqrt(epsilon(1._wp)) real(wp) :: k, exp_minusktau, k_mu, k_gamma3, k_gamma4 real(wp) :: RT_term, exp_minus2ktau real(wp) :: Rdir, Tdir, Tnoscat real(wp), pointer, dimension(:) :: dir_flux_inc, dir_flux_trans integer :: lay_index real(wp) :: tau_s, w0_s, g_s, mu0_s ! --------------------------------- do j = 1, nlay if(top_at_1) then lay_index = j dir_flux_inc => flux_dn_dir(:,lay_index ) dir_flux_trans => flux_dn_dir(:,lay_index+1) else lay_index = nlay-j+1 dir_flux_inc => flux_dn_dir(:,lay_index+1) dir_flux_trans => flux_dn_dir(:,lay_index ) end if !$OMP SIMD do i = 1, ncol ! ! Scalars ! tau_s = tau(i, lay_index) w0_s = w0 (i, lay_index) g_s = g (i, lay_index) ! ! Zdunkowski Practical Improved Flux Method "PIFM" ! (Zdunkowski et al., 1980; Contributions to Atmospheric Physics 53, 147-66) ! gamma1 = (8._wp - w0_s * (5._wp + 3._wp * g_s)) * .25_wp gamma2 = 3._wp *(w0_s * (1._wp - g_s)) * .25_wp ! ! Direct reflect and transmission ! ! Eq 18; k = SQRT(gamma1**2 - gamma2**2), limited below to avoid div by 0. ! k = 0 for isotropic, conservative scattering; this lower limit on k ! gives relative error with respect to conservative solution ! of < 0.1% in Rdif down to tau = 10^-9 k = sqrt(max((gamma1 - gamma2) * (gamma1 + gamma2), min_k)) exp_minusktau = exp(-tau_s*k) exp_minus2ktau = exp_minusktau * exp_minusktau ! Refactored to avoid rounding errors when k, gamma1 are of very different magnitudes RT_term = 1._wp / (k * (1._wp + exp_minus2ktau) + & gamma1 * (1._wp - exp_minus2ktau) ) ! Equation 25 Rdif(i,lay_index) = RT_term * gamma2 * (1._wp - exp_minus2ktau) ! Equation 26 Tdif(i,lay_index) = RT_term * 2._wp * k * exp_minusktau ! ! On a round earth, where mu0 can increase with depth in the atmosphere, ! levels with mu0 <= 0 have no direct beam and hence no source for diffuse light ! Compute transmission and reflection using a nominal value but mask out later ! mu0_s = max(min_mu0, mu0(i, lay_index)) k_mu = k * mu0_s ! ! Equation 14, multiplying top and bottom by exp(-k*tau) ! and rearranging to avoid div by 0. ! RT_term = w0_s * RT_term/merge(1._wp - k_mu*k_mu, & epsilon(1._wp), & abs(1._wp - k_mu*k_mu) >= epsilon(1._wp)) ! ! Zdunkowski Practical Improved Flux Method "PIFM" ! (Zdunkowski et al., 1980; Contributions to Atmospheric Physics 53, 147-66) ! gamma3 = (2._wp - 3._wp * mu0_s * g_s ) * .25_wp gamma4 = 1._wp - gamma3 alpha1 = gamma1 * gamma4 + gamma2 * gamma3 ! Eq. 16 alpha2 = gamma1 * gamma3 + gamma2 * gamma4 ! Eq. 17 ! ! Transmittance of direct, unscattered beam. ! k_gamma3 = k * gamma3 k_gamma4 = k * gamma4 Tnoscat = exp(-tau_s/mu0_s) Rdir = RT_term * & ((1._wp - k_mu) * (alpha2 + k_gamma3) - & (1._wp + k_mu) * (alpha2 - k_gamma3) * exp_minus2ktau - & 2.0_wp * (k_gamma3 - alpha2 * k_mu) * exp_minusktau * Tnoscat) ! ! Equation 15, multiplying top and bottom by exp(-k*tau), ! multiplying through by exp(-tau/mu0) to ! prefer underflow to overflow ! Omitting direct transmittance ! Tdir = -RT_term * & ((1._wp + k_mu) * (alpha1 + k_gamma4) * Tnoscat - & (1._wp - k_mu) * (alpha1 - k_gamma4) * exp_minus2ktau * Tnoscat - & 2.0_wp * (k_gamma4 + alpha1 * k_mu) * exp_minusktau) ! Final check that energy is not spuriously created, by recognizing that ! the beam can either be reflected, penetrate unscattered to the base of a layer, ! or penetrate through but be scattered on the way - the rest is absorbed ! Makes the equations safer in single precision. Credit: Robin Hogan, Peter Ukkonen Rdir = max(0.0_wp, min(Rdir, (1.0_wp - Tnoscat ) )) Tdir = max(0.0_wp, min(Tdir, (1.0_wp - Tnoscat - Rdir) )) source_up(i,lay_index) = Rdir * dir_flux_inc(i) source_dn(i,lay_index) = Tdir * dir_flux_inc(i) dir_flux_trans(i) = Tnoscat * dir_flux_inc(i) end do end do ! ! T and R for the direct beam are computed using nominal values even when the ! sun is below the horizon (mu0 < 0); set those values back to zero ! This won't be efficient if many nighttime columns are passed ! source_sfc(:) = merge(dir_flux_trans(:)*sfc_albedo(:), & 0._wp, mu0(:,lay_index) > 0._wp) where(mu0(:,:) <= 0._wp) source_up(:,:) = 0._wp source_dn(:,:) = 0._wp end where end subroutine sw_dif_and_source ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Transport of diffuse radiation through a vertically layered atmosphere. ! Equations are after Shonk and Hogan 2008, doi:10.1175/2007JCLI1940.1 (SH08) ! This routine is shared by longwave and shortwave ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine adding(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, & albedo_sfc, & rdif, tdif, & src_dn, src_up, src_sfc, & flux_up, flux_dn) integer, intent(in ) :: ncol, nlay logical(wl), intent(in ) :: top_at_1 real(wp), dimension(ncol ), intent(in ) :: albedo_sfc real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: rdif, tdif real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ), intent(in ) :: src_dn, src_up real(wp), dimension(ncol ), intent(in ) :: src_sfc real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent( out) :: flux_up ! intent(inout) because top layer includes incident flux real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1), intent(inout) :: flux_dn ! ------------------ integer :: ilev real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay+1) :: albedo, & ! reflectivity to diffuse radiation below this level ! alpha in SH08 src ! source of diffuse upwelling radiation from emission or ! scattering of direct beam ! G in SH08 real(wp), dimension(ncol,nlay ) :: denom ! beta in SH08 ! ------------------ ! ! Indexing into arrays for upward and downward propagation depends on the vertical ! orientation of the arrays (whether the domain top is at the first or last index) ! We write the loops out explicitly so compilers will have no trouble optimizing them. ! if(top_at_1) then ilev = nlay + 1 ! Albedo of lowest level is the surface albedo... albedo(:,ilev) = albedo_sfc(:) ! ... and source of diffuse radiation is surface emission src(:,ilev) = src_sfc(:) ! ! From bottom to top of atmosphere -- ! compute albedo and source of upward radiation ! do ilev = nlay, 1, -1 denom(:, ilev) = 1._wp/(1._wp - rdif(:,ilev)*albedo(:,ilev+1)) ! Eq 10 albedo(:,ilev) = rdif(:,ilev) + & tdif(:,ilev)*tdif(:,ilev) * albedo(:,ilev+1) * denom(:,ilev) ! Equation 9 ! ! Equation 11 -- source is emitted upward radiation at top of layer plus ! radiation emitted at bottom of layer, ! transmitted through the layer and reflected from layers below (tdiff*src*albedo) ! src(:,ilev) = src_up(:, ilev) + & tdif(:,ilev) * denom(:,ilev) * & (src(:,ilev+1) + albedo(:,ilev+1)*src_dn(:,ilev)) end do ! Eq 12, at the top of the domain upwelling diffuse is due to ... ilev = 1 flux_up(:,ilev) = flux_dn(:,ilev) * albedo(:,ilev) + & ! ... reflection of incident diffuse and src(:,ilev) ! emission from below ! ! From the top of the atmosphere downward -- compute fluxes ! do ilev = 2, nlay+1 flux_dn(:,ilev) = (tdif(:,ilev-1)*flux_dn(:,ilev-1) + & ! Equation 13 rdif(:,ilev-1)*src(:,ilev) + & src_dn(:,ilev-1)) * denom(:,ilev-1) flux_up(:,ilev) = flux_dn(:,ilev) * albedo(:,ilev) + & ! Equation 12 src(:,ilev) end do else ilev = 1 ! Albedo of lowest level is the surface albedo... albedo(:,ilev) = albedo_sfc(:) ! ... and source of diffuse radiation is surface emission src(:,ilev) = src_sfc(:) ! ! From bottom to top of atmosphere -- ! compute albedo and source of upward radiation ! do ilev = 1, nlay denom(:, ilev ) = 1._wp/(1._wp - rdif(:,ilev)*albedo(:,ilev)) ! Eq 10 albedo(:,ilev+1) = rdif(:,ilev) + & tdif(:,ilev)*tdif(:,ilev) * albedo(:,ilev) * denom(:,ilev) ! Equation 9 ! ! Equation 11 -- source is emitted upward radiation at top of layer plus ! radiation emitted at bottom of layer, ! transmitted through the layer and reflected from layers below (tdiff*src*albedo) ! src(:,ilev+1) = src_up(:, ilev) + & tdif(:,ilev) * denom(:,ilev) * & (src(:,ilev) + albedo(:,ilev)*src_dn(:,ilev)) end do ! Eq 12, at the top of the domain upwelling diffuse is due to ... ilev = nlay+1 flux_up(:,ilev) = flux_dn(:,ilev) * albedo(:,ilev) + & ! ... reflection of incident diffuse and src(:,ilev) ! scattering by the direct beam below ! ! From the top of the atmosphere downward -- compute fluxes ! do ilev = nlay, 1, -1 flux_dn(:,ilev) = (tdif(:,ilev)*flux_dn(:,ilev+1) + & ! Equation 13 rdif(:,ilev)*src(:,ilev) + & src_dn(:, ilev)) * denom(:,ilev) flux_up(:,ilev) = flux_dn(:,ilev) * albedo(:,ilev) + & ! Equation 12 src(:,ilev) end do end if end subroutine adding end module mo_rte_solver_kernels