extract_subset_dim2_4d Subroutine

public pure subroutine extract_subset_dim2_4d(nmom, ncol, nlay, ngpt, array_in, colS, colE, array_out) bind(C, name="0")

Extract a subset from the second dimension (normally columns) of a 4D field. Applicable to phase function moments, where the first dimension is the moment


integer, intent(in) :: nmom

Array sizes

integer, intent(in) :: ncol

Array sizes

integer, intent(in) :: nlay

Array sizes

integer, intent(in) :: ngpt

Array sizes

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(nmom,ncol,nlay,ngpt):: array_in

Array to subset

integer, intent(in) :: colS

Starting and ending index

integer, intent(in) :: colE

Starting and ending index

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(nmom,colE-colS+1, nlay,ngpt):: array_out

subset of the input array

Called by

proc~~extract_subset_dim2_4d~~CalledByGraph proc~extract_subset_dim2_4d extract_subset_dim2_4d interface~extract_subset extract_subset interface~extract_subset->proc~extract_subset_dim2_4d

